Red Lion Quizzes 2024-25
Assemble a team and get these dates into everyone's diaries!

Quiz Information
Our Sunday evening quizzes start at 7.30pm(ish) and run fortnightly from October to March. The proceeds from each quiz go to a different charity.
Teams are max 6 people and the entry fee is £2 per person.
There are raffle tickets available to buy at each quiz and there are some great prizes to be won!
Quiz Dates 2024-25
Here are this year's quiz dates :
- 13th October - Local Air Ambulance Service
- 27th October - Macmillan Cancer Support
- 10th November - Hospitality Action
- 24th November - Cotswold Dogs and Cats Home
- 8th December - Lawrence Home Nursing
- 22nd December (Christmas Quiz) - Banbury Young Homeless Project
- 5th January (Quiz of the Year) - Acorns Primary School PTA
- 19th January - Bridewell Garden MH Recovery
- 2nd February - Refuge
- 16th February - Long Compton Sports Club
- 2nd March - Shipston Home Nursing
- 16th March (Final Quiz) - Chipping Norton Lido
Do join us for any or all of these quizzes and help us support the work of these wonderful local and national charities.